Human Resources

Compensation software for the modern HR professional

Create HR workflows with perfect permissions.

Access Vital Data

Easily get numerical data, like internal peer medians, to make informed pay decisions.

Visualize Trends

Pequity gives you a shared view of candidates and employees to see your HR trends.


Pequity clients get access to our comp experts as a Human Resources Business Partner.

See what Pequity can do


Create and securely share your ranges & pay bands internally.


Make offers to candidates in hours—not days with an offer workflow focused on winning talent.

Comp Cycle

Plan, budget & execute on promotion & merit increases, pay adjustments & more with comp cycle workflows to make things easy.

Talent & Budget Analytics

See where you stand relative to your budget, drill down on accept & reject rates, and put boardroom reports together in minutes.

Visual Offers

Stand out in a job seeker’s market with a visual offer experience that lands your top candidate.

Salary Board

Share salary ranges with candidates directly or in job posts - in a simple, automated way.

See all solutions
Solving compensation for leading brands
List of company logos that are active Pequity customers. This includes instacart, scale, trusted health, voiceflow, and may mobility

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