Replace hundreds of spreadsheets, disparate systems, and countless hours wrangling data with one single source of truth for your compensation strategy.
See a unified picture of your company's compensation data to make better business decisions, no matter how many employees or systems you have to maneuver.
Use Pequity’s Comp Health tool to see at a glance which employees are overpaid, underpaid, or are hitting the mark perfectly. This will help you identify flight risks, opportunities to motivate, and align your compensation strategy with your pay philosophy.
Pequity consolidates and visualizes all the compensation data and metrics your team needs - and that your C-suite is looking for.
Comp Cycle
Flexible and powerful compensation planning software built for modern compensation teams
Automated workflows for every off-cycle compensation request, like offers, transfers, and promotions.
Market Pulse
Global market data to elevate your pay strategy.
Design, maintain, and share your compensation ranges at scale.
Employee Comp Overview
Comprehensive total compensation portals for your employees & managers.