
Scale your compensation philosophy

Design, maintain, and share your compensation ranges at scale.

Solving compensation for leading brands
List of company logos that are active Pequity customers. This includes instacart, scale, trusted health, voiceflow, and may mobility

Turn your compensation philosophy into a usable, scalable compensation framework

Sync and store your own compensation ranges or have us build them with our best-in-class comp expert designed algorithm, customized to your pay philosophy.

From C-suite to recruiting, get everyone to champion your comp philosophy

Granular and easily customizable permissions make sharing ranges simple. No more editing, sharing, and restricting access to data in spreadsheets. Do it all in one place, and push updates in real time.

Manage your team’s unique mix of complexity and transparency

With custom job structures, metadata fields, column naming, and compensation elements, Pequity’s flexibility meets your compensation program where it’s at today, and where it’ll be tomorrow.

See how Pequity can simplify and streamline your compensation program.

See what else Pequity can do

Comp Cycle

Flexible and powerful compensation planning software built for modern compensation teams


Automated workflows for every off-cycle compensation request, like offers, transfers, and promotions.

Market Pulse

Global market data to elevate your pay strategy.

People Insights

Replace hundreds of spreadsheets, disparate systems, and countless hours wrangling data with one single source of truth.

Employee Comp Overview

Comprehensive total compensation portals for your employees & managers.